
Environmental Timber Purchasing Policy

We are committed to identifying the source of all timber used as an input to our "volume credit account" and in the manufacture of its FSC/PEFC labelled products and will take all measures to ensure that material listed below shall not be purchased by AJB group.

  • Timber that has been illegally harvested (controversial sources).
  • Timber from genetically modified trees.
  • Timber from areas where traditional or civil rights are violated.
  • Timber from uncertified high conversation value forest or from endangered forest.
  • Timber from forests converted to plantations or other uses.

To this end all suppliers of non- FSC/PEFC certified timber are required to fill in a "Timber Source Questionnaire" to accurately identify the forest of origin. This information is available to concerned parties as list of all the countries from which we source our certified wood.

AJB group will regularly obtain from suppliers:

  1. Information relating to their environmental practices.
  2. Information regarding sources of raw material used in the manufacture of the timber products.

This information forms part of the purchasing decision and is available on request to interested parties.

We recognise that the independent certification of forests and the process chain is the most useful tool in providing assurance that the timber comes from legal and well managed forests. We will only accept or use labels or certificates which include environmental or sustainability claims if these are supported by publicly available standards drawn up in a fully participatory transparent, objective manner and backed by independent inspection.

We will also avoid misleading and unsubstantiated environmental claims in relation to timber products supplies.

We will ensure that all employees associated with timber purchasing are encouraged to act in accordance with this policy and are given appropriate education and training to do so. 

AJB group defines its own performance in accordance with this policy.


Fire Safety Policy

AJB group is committed to protecting all persons including employees, contractors and suppliers from potential injury which might arise from a fire.

We ensure the following objectives are carried out:-

  • Minimise the potential for a fire to occur and cause damage to work, property and the environment.
  • Provide appropriate and well signed means of escape in case of fire.
  • Ensure that all means of escape are properly maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for safe and effective use at all times.
  • Provide the means of escape with adequate emergency lighting and maintain this in efficient working order.
  • Provide and maintain in working order the alarm system.
  • Provide appropriate instructions/ training for all persons on the actions to be taken in the event of a fire.
  • Provide sufficient training to all staff using AJB equipment and machinery.



AJB uses high quality engineered timber with modern timber preservation methods combined with high performance micro-porous coatings. This gives a highly durable joinery product which comes with a full guarantee subject to AJB's standard term and conditions.

It is essential that all customers and end-users read our guarantee in conjunction with our Product Care & Maintenance Manual. Download the guarantee now or read our guarantee below.

Download Guarantees Overview

Care & Maintenance Guide

Thank you for purchasing a AJB group product, manufactured to a strict quality assured system ensuring exacting performance and customer satisfaction.

To maintain this quality assurance the product must be cared for, installed and maintained in accordance with this manual.

Failure to comply with AJB's conditions may invalidate your warranty.

Please ensure a copy of this manual is kept with the product, or made available to the eventual user.

Download Care & Maintenance Guide


AJB group offer the most comprehensive guarantees in the industry. However please familiarise yourselves with the corresponding guarantee conditions to ensure your claim can be substantiated. The guarantee is offered as a extra benefit and does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

Download Conditions


Health & Safety Policy

AJB group provide clean and safe working conditions for all employees and contractors working under our control and ensure that their conduct of work is safe and fit for purpose.

Time and resources is dedicated to health and safety to ensure that we will:-

  • Provide adequate control of health and safety risk assessments arising from our works.
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
  • Ensure safe handling and use of hazardous substances.
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.
  • Ensure all employees are competent to do the tasks, and provide adequate training.
  • Aim to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Ensure that any deliberate breach of health & safety rules and procedures are effectively managed.


Training & Development Policy

AJB group is committed to providing high-quality joinery products which meet the standards our customers expect.

It is therefore essential that we employ a trained and competent workforce. We review our skills needs on a regular basis and are committed to investing in training and development. We use a variety of on the job, in-house and external training providers in order to meet the needs of the business. Employees are actively encouraged to participate in developing their skills to further their career developments.

All employees joining the company are provided with an induction booklet followed by a full in-depth induction. They are encouraged to take part in further training to equip them to perform the tasks determined by the firm. Training is provided to meet the needs arising from individual performance reviews.

This policy is implemented in line with the company's Equal Opportunities Policy.


Quality Policy

AJB group policy is to provide its customers with quality products in a professional manner to meet the individual customer needs and wherever possible exceed their expectations.

To do this we ensure that:

  • We have the appropriate level of skilled personnel resources to fully meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • To ensure that the policy statement is continually evaluated and communicated to all company personnel.
  • To comply with the requirements of ISO9001: 2000 and continually review and improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
  • To ensure that all employee training needs are assessed and as appropriate relevant training provided.
  • To review our quality aims and objectives in line with our business aims and objectives.